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ALERT: We will never text you a link to click on to cancel or verify a payment or purchase.   Learn More

Help Us Prevent Financial Fraud

We have recently been notified that scammers are placing fraudulent phone calls and/or sending fraudulent text messages to some of our members.  

We will never send you a link to click on to cancel or verify a payment or purchase.

Additionally, we will never contact you to ask for the following information:

  • User ID or password
  • Authentication codes sent to you via text/email
  • Digital banking username or password
  • Secure access codes
  • All 16 digits of your debit or credit card number
  • Credit or debit card PIN Numbers
  • The CVV code on the back of the debit or credit cards

If you receive a phone call or text requesting this information, please treat it as suspicious.

DO NOT provide any important information and DO NOT click on any links. 

We always strive to protect our members from fraudsters. When in doubt, please do not respond and contact us directly. Thank you for your assistance in preventing financial fraud.

Other Resources

How to Spot a Phishing Scam

7 Ways to Protect Your Identity

What Is Card Skimming/Shimming And How To Avoid It

Beware of Romance Scams

I Received A Weird Call From My Financial Institution

Avoid These Latest Scams

How to Avoid Bad Check Scams

Identify These 5 Tax Scams

Keep Yourself Safe: https://www.launchcu.com/resources/services/security-center/

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Visit any branch location to open your account. For questions call 321-455-9400 (inside Brevard) or 800-662-5257 (outside Brevard).
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